Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Apples and Horses

A few weekends ago I was taking my daughters to horse lessons, dance class and apple picking--perfect subject matter for testing out my new Kodak Z950 digital camera. The lighting was a challenge since it was cloudy and drizzling most of the day.
I set the camera to the convenient Smart Capture mode and I was able to shoot with one hand while chasing after my daughter, still getting decent exposures despite the weather.

Rediscovering Amelia and Black Boots

I love it when I come across something inspiring during the most unexpected moments. As I was browsing through one of my favorite blogs I clicked on an ad for the upcoming feature film Amelia. Hilary Swank stars as Amelia. After viewing the trailer, I was blown away at how closely she resembled the real Amelia Earhart. The film's stylist and Hilary Swank did an amazing job capturing her style and expressions. As I was comparing the movie to the historical images, I came across this shot of Amelia: tall lace up boots, dark breeches and over-sized leather jacket. She appears completely oblivious to the camera and her strikingly original, timeless style. Fashion statements like these have a way of preserving the expression and human spirit of times past--in this case, Amelia's.

Every fall
my daughter, Gracie, asks me to buy her a new pair black boots. She loves wearing her black boots everywhere and especially when we go out on the weekends. She wears them not because everyone else is wearing them--she wears them because, once she has them on, nobody can stop her and nobody is going to get in her way.